The Lazy Monday series is a collection of random observations and updates in my life. Things you can guarantee not to expect: quality and cohesion. Also, the other guy's randomness column had 'Monday' in it, so I thought it was a requirement.
- The great thing about Vegas is no two trips are the same. I speak as if I've been there hundreds of times even though I've only been there twice as a 21 year old and a handful of times in my youth.
Either way, not having to wait in line or pay cover at Tryst thanks to Kuya Warren's magic gave way to awkward dances, standing on the wall, and most importantly, a shitload of drinking and fun having. The best part of the weekend though was beaming with pride as I watched my Kuya Virgil graduate from culinary school with Magna Cum Laude honors. I can only hope I make my family as proud as he did two years from now.
- I don't join clubs or organizations unless you give me a title. I'll take 'Activities Commissioner', 'Hall representative', hell, I'll even take 'Staff Writer'. DO NOT WANT: 'Key Club member', 'band member', 'guy who shows up at events but doesn't really do anything'.
With that in mind, say hello to your new Vice President of the Informatics Student Association. The president and I are going to change the world...okay not really, but if you're in Informatics and you're reading this: please please please come to our events. /end begging
- When I study, I like to fuck priorities in the ass. So before starting the study process for my midterm, I chose to instead work on stuff from other classes instead. Why? For no fucking reason, that's why. I guess I look at it like a boxing or wrestling card. Put all the less important stuff first, then the real showdown begins. Hopefully that showdown starts sometime soon.
- The best part of Halloween is
- The Chargers are not a very good football team. Well did I lay the jinx down in my last Chargers post or what? "Build on this win" my ass. Thank the football gods for the parity in the AFC West and in the rest of the conference. We still have a chance to make a run. But first, someone get our outside linebackers some steroids. Maybe this guy knows where to find em:

WTF is infromatics HAHA