Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Talk Louder Muh Fucka

Nazer and I are the shit.

I think i might have killed the mood ahhhh well...look at erwin and lily's reaction in the background love it.


  1. Good stuff. Finally caught some of the cool kids on the tube doin their thing. Now we just need something amazing from Lance and Adonis. I wonder what I can film them doing.

  2. lol wtf amazing lance and adonis are already on youtube

  3. damn i wish i was there for this. YALL KILLED IT.

    and oliver you are welcome at anytime to come over and tape me playing rock band drums in my underwear.

  4. Awesome job guys, I propose a Cool Kids Talent Showcase. Or a collabo b/w the 4 of you

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. damn you forgot to tape when nazer played with his feet

  7. haha just let me know when Lance I'm down. You gotta wear the long ass white sock tho like those hardcore drummers.
