2007 was an amazing year for media. So many music releases that left me with a pair of broken speakers, TV newcomers that quickly got themselves a ton of recognition, and so much more. It was difficult looking back on such a long year, but here are my 2007 picks.

This year spawned so many new and incredible shows, but in the end I had to go with the fanboy in me and pick this years season of LOST. Critics everywhere agree that it started out slow, but once January came around, the show really picked up the pace and had viewers stuck to their screens like San Diegans on Mexican food. TV shows usually get stale around their third season (cough Grey's Anatomy cough) but the season finale of this show really threw you into a different perspective, and brought a whole new scenario for us to get Locke'd into. If you're not watching this show, you're missing out on one of our generations absolute television phenomenons.

A few years ago we had the 40 Year Old Virgin, a movie that brought our nerdiness into the public eye, and left viewers like us in a state of endless laughter. There hasn't been a movie since that really brought back the memorable laughter, until SUPERBAD. Under the direction of Greg Mottola and writing by Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg, this movie had theaters all over the nation LOLing all throughout it. Jonah Hill (Grandma's Boy, Knocked Up) and Michael Cera (Arrested Development) return to keep our generation laughing our asses off in a story of two not-so-cool boys who have a desire to fill their stereotypical high school obligations before they leave for college. The result is an incredibly hilarious adventure that is highly recommended by many, so if you haven't seen it be sure to pick it up on your next trip to Blockbuster.

It was another incredible year in the music world, but one band in particular that really stood out to me was Radiohead with their release of "In Rainbows." Radiohead is a band with a ridiculously large fan base, with well known hits like Creep and High and Dry, and their latest musical endeavor continues to impress. Tracks like Nude and Reckoner continue to mix complex rhythm and harmony while vocalist Thom Yorke leaves our bodies in a state of complete astonishment with his singing talent and moody lyrics. Not only was this an amazing album, but it was FREE. Radiohead left the music industry stunned by releasing their album on their website, and offered a system in which customers chose how much they wanted to pay for the digital download. I'm slightly ashamed to say that I payed absolutely nothing for it, but I do plan on picking up the hard copy sometime in the future. This was an extremely gutsy decision by the band, but in our age of continuous 0's and 1's, it's interesting to see where the musical industry will go after this.
And now to fill everyones dream of becoming a rock star and sing Radiohead songs, my video game pick of the year is ROCK BAND. This was an insane year in video games, with consoles like the Wii selling out everywhere, Xbox360 shattering records with the release of Halo 3, and the Playstation 3...uhh. But yeah, I haven't played a game this much since Counterstrike in middle school. Taking everyones guilty gaming pleasure Guitar Hero, and then adding drums, vocals, and bass, results in a fun night for everyone, non gamers and non musicians included. This game really is a sight to see, I mean look at how much fun those guys are having in the video, you know you want to jump in and try it. With new song packs available for purchase every week, this game really never gets old. And with the potential to add new features to the game through patches, I really don't see this thing going anywhere but up, so get used to seeing away messages everywhere reading "Rocking Out!" or "Out playing drunk band!" for a really long time.
So 2007 really was an awesome year, and there is so much more that I didn't add to the list. Heroes "Five Years In The Future" episode, freshman TV shows like Mad Men and Pushing Daisies, CD releases by Lily Allen and Amy Winehouse, and so much more. Look forward to a few honorable mentions in the coming weeks with SOME OTHER SHIT. So feel free to comment on some of your favorites of 2007, I wanna hear about what made your year one to remember. Time to go play Rock Band, see you all next time.
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