My spring break was indeed an awesome one. It was nice to take a week off of school and just relax. I spent the days sitting on my ass watching GG reruns and ABDC, eating the food in my house, beer pong, brawl, one couldn't really ask for much more. Seeing everyone this weekend at Alexand's bash really put a nice end to my break. Many memorable moments from getting locked in the mall
Dead Rising style to watching Erickson go out in a BLAZE OF GLORY (insert crazy emoticon). With only six weeks of class left, this break was a nice sneak peek for the summer. But my spring break really reached completion this morning at the 7:00 AM mass.

The one and only
Nat Roberts made an appearance. If you're reading this, we're hanging out over summer, get ready.
So my Easter will consist of seeing the family, watching my little cousins run around while picking up plastic eggs with candy inside them, eating dope ass filipino food that I never get to eat in Boston, rock band, then another 6 hour flight to the east coast. Thanks for the good times everyone, see you in person the 2nd week of May, but keep reading this blog for more crazy news and updates, peace.